Here’s an official announcement. Sergio Tee played an incredible set last Friday at Club Mystique. Due some technical problems we could go live the cheapest way. It was halfway Sergio’s set and unfortunately with bad sound quality and you could here us talk. So we decided to do a recording session with almost the same tracklist. The opener is incredible! The mix starts with two fantastic records from the 90’s and of course they are tunes from discotheque iT, the place where Sergio started as a dancer at the age of 16.
Later this week the complete recording will be posted online.
Here’s the artwork we reveal today.

CROWN HOUSE: FOR THE LOVE OF HOUSE is chosen as the title due the start of Sergio Tee’s DJ career. When he started with his own simple concept called Crown House in 2015 he had no idea that he would do more and more things in DJing. Sinds 2018 he plays on the biggest stages like Pride on Dam Square and festivals like Classics Indoor Festival. But Crown House was his first and own concept. For The Love OF House is a line he uses since the beginning of his career. Sergio was at a very young age when he started to go out. He attended his first house party at the age of 14. This mix is a trip with a story and it shows a part of Tee’s journey from party guy to dancer and from entertainer to DJ.
Stay tuned! Soon it will be released.