Sergio Tee: ADE Madness is starting

This year Amsterdam Dance Event is awesome for Sergio Tee. The guy who started his career in 2015 is booked all week and has to play at 5 events this year.
We start this year on the Wednesday October 16th at Prik.
Prik is a nice cosy bar and they start ADE with an event called ‘gde We all dance together’. Sergio Tee is scheduled to play from 10 PM till 11 PM. And of course he will play some gay house sounds too.
The next day on October 17th, it’s going to be early for Mr. Tee, on the second day of ADE he will play in the morning live on It’s gonna be a nice solo set with some tech house and uplifting beats.
Sergio Tee plays his beats at 10 AM till 11 AM.
On Friday October 18th Sergio Tee was scheduled to return to AMW for a back 2 back session with Alec Bryar, but unfortunately this session is cancelled.
The Saturday is not scheduled for Sergio Tee so far.
Maybe this will be a day of meetings and prepping the last few things for the next day.
Sunday October 20th is going to be the toughest day.
Three gigs in a row! Sergio Tee starts at 6 PM at Bar Blend in the Reguliersdwarsstraat as part of the Acid Jack pre-party. Right after 7 PM Sergio will head to Suzy Wong at Korte Leidsedwarstraat to open Legendary at 8 PM.
Also here Sergio Tee will play an hour.
Then at 9.30 Sergio Tee will run to Akhnaton at Nieuwezijds Kolk 25 to close ADE 2019 with an incredible event.
The ADE Label Showcase 2019 by Rough y Bianco Records.
It’s the first time Sergio Tee will play for a record company and the line-up is incredible!
Anthony Vegas, White Tronicz, San Sebastian, D’xar, Redux Saints, Alec Bryar, Mr. Oz and Joey Domingo.
So as you read this ADE is incredible for Sergio Tee.
Five incredible days!
Lets meet up and we hope to see you at one of these events.