Blog Post

News from us
17 December 2018

Sergio Tee attends benefit night at Club Yolo.

On social media Sergio announced that he will attend a benefit event in Amsterdam. The location is Club Yolo where he is resident DJ. The message he put online says:

Good morning y’all,

I’m very excited to attend this amazing and fabulous evening.

I guess we all lost family and friends who are or were suffering from cancer.

So to me tonight is an opportunity to do something good.

Up for a better world!

Love, -S-

AMW ADE DJ Marathon: Sergio Tee Live 17-10-2020 // ADE AMW DJ MARATHON 2019-10-17 10.00-11.00
  1. AMW ADE DJ Marathon: Sergio Tee Live 17-10-2020 // ADE AMW DJ MARATHON 2019-10-17 10.00-11.00