Blog Post

News from us
02 November 2020


This Friday Sergio Tee will return to Amsterdams Most Wanted to play a set in Alec Bryar’s show Rich In Paradise. It’s been a year ago Sergio played at AMW and it’s about time he returns.

“I’m excited to return to the place where I did my first performance on radio. And it is awesome to be back this Friday in the show of my dear friend Alec Bryar. Last week I checked some fresh tunes but I will also pick a classic I think. I really don’t know yet.”

AMW ADE DJ Marathon: Sergio Tee Live 17-10-2020 // ADE AMW DJ MARATHON 2019-10-17 10.00-11.00
  1. AMW ADE DJ Marathon: Sergio Tee Live 17-10-2020 // ADE AMW DJ MARATHON 2019-10-17 10.00-11.00